Chest Exercises/Workouts

Razor Decline Chest Press

This works the lower part of your chest which we all neglect. It is often misunderstood that it doesn’t make

Tricep Exercises/Workouts

Big Impact Tricep Dips

This is will show you how to get harder defined triceps with the weighted tricep extension using a machine. All

Bicep Exercises/Workouts

Full Throttle Wrist Curls

Time to develop the forearms and wrists with this underappreciated workout. This will help you when it comes to holding

Pushup Exercises/Workouts

MMA Muay Thai Pushups

This is the pushups used by the MMA fighters so you know it must be good! This is more then

Shoulder Exercises/Workouts

Diesel Shoulder Workout

This is a burning shoulder and back workout that uses resistant bands. Its goes through 4 movements consecutively. This will


Iron Man One Armed Tricep Extensions

This will help cut up your back part of your tricep. Start by standing straight up or sitting down. Hold


Bulldozing Back Pull Downs

Larger back and a better curve? Then this is the workout you want to do! This goes over the front