Tricep Exercises/Workouts

Super Sonic Triceps Workout

This is a hardcore definition defining tricep workout! This is three different exercises done consecutively to give a great burn.

Pushup Exercises/Workouts

Armed Forces Military Pushups

These pushups I call military pushups because of the form you use when doing them. It appears you are crawling

Shoulder Exercises/Workouts

Atomic Upright Rows

This is a great shoulder, traps, lats and deltoid muscle builder. Whether you are trying to get better definition, shape,


Enormous Gains Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

Increase your strength and carve the shape of your chest with this powerful movement! This exercise focuses are the upper

Pushup Exercises/Workouts

Negative Pressure Pushups

These pushups help develop strength in your chest and triceps. Go up like a normal push up but on the

Bicep Exercises/Workouts

Banging bicep preacher curls

Preacher curls are a good exercise to shape your bicep muscle!Get bigger or create harder more firm arms with this

Back Exercises/Workouts

Furious Back Extensions Workout

This will help give you a more defined and v-shaped back. This explains three exercises you can do consecutively as