Legs-Calves Exercises/Workouts

Dumbbell Squats

Dumbbells are a great alternative for those that need a more economical way of working out. You can do countless

Shoulder Exercises/Workouts

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs

This will focus on your shoulders and traps area. Go for 10-15 reps for each exercise. First just sit straight

Legs-Calves Exercises/Workouts

Weighted Seated Calves Raises

Stretch out calves prior(check lower body stretches video) and sit with your thighs under pads. Your toes and front part

Chest Exercises/Workouts

Extreme Chest Workout

Time to destroy those muscle fibers so they can build up even stronger with this super set chest workout. This

Back Exercises/Workouts

Cliff Hanger Pull ups

This is a more advanced pull up requiring you to shift your body from side to side as you reach