Back Exercises/Workouts


Sign Up *** WHAT YOU WILL NEED *** -Light dumbbells (preferably 10 lbs or under) -Water -Mat (recommended) -Towel

Back Exercises/Workouts

Cliff Hanger Pull ups

This is a more advanced pull up requiring you to shift your body from side to side as you reach

Back Exercises/Workouts

Furious Back Extensions Workout

This will help give you a more defined and v-shaped back. This explains three exercises you can do consecutively as


Bulldozing Back Pull Downs

Larger back and a better curve? Then this is the workout you want to do! This goes over the front


Fully Loaded Back Extensions

Start by planting your feet on the diagonal plates on the floor. Lay facing towards the ground making sure the


Fueled Wide Grip Pullups

This exercise focuses on your whole back,deltoids,and lats. This is one of the main foundations to back workouts. It helps


Power House Dumbbell Back Rows

Another great back exercise that gets you a better stretch by doing it one armed. While leaning over a benchposition


Dumbbell Back Flys and Back Rows

Your back is very important for posture and balance. It is the core of your body which is needed tobe